::Our Anniversary::

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

::Tag from Deela::

1. Accept this award, post it in your blog together withe the name of the person who granted you the award.
2. Pass it to the other 15's blog that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know you have tagged them.
Hallu....dah lame kot mak buyung deela bagi aku blog ni...dpd bulan sept 2009 baru rini der mase nk amek tag die...huhu...dgr mcm bz bangat plak kan...haha...mahap saje la k...
mase tuk org len plak di tag.....bersedialah...
1. puan aliza rahman
2.cik nanieisme
3.cik yaya
4.Mrs amien to be...(farah)
5.cik naidu
6.puan muzlina
7.dan sesiape sahaj yg bace tag ni wajib buat...hahaha....
selamat mencuba....